Saturday, July 26, 2008-Bald Mountain Park Campground, Hiawassee, Georgia

During the night, it started raining and was still raining when we awoke. After eating breakfast, we relaxed and waited for it to stop raining.  When it started to lighten a little, we decided to start packing up.  While we packed, we noticed the children riding their bikes in the rain through the puddles.  They were having a great time and didn't care if they got wet.  We left the campground about 10:00 and headed for north Georgia.  We left Cherokee on Route 441 and stayed on 441 until we reached Route 76 in Georgia.  We learned that most of our drive was on four-land highway. Earlier, we had located a campground about half way to McKinney Campground, our final destination. This is a private campground called Bald Mountain Park. We wanted to check it out for future reference. Also, we want to see Fort Mountain, a state park near Chatsworth Georgia. It is near Interstate 75, not far from McKinney Campground. We will drive up to see the park sometime next week.