Sunday, July 20, 2008-Julian Price Memorial Park, NC

Today we drove back to Kingsport with Alyssa. We took another route, highway 421. This route was good for most of the way. However, near the end, we passed over two mountain ridges. The road was very steep and had many hairpin turns. We passed through Shady Valley, a town that was surrounded by mountains.  We decided we would try another road on the return trip. We would learn later in the day that Dave had written us a note with instructions for a fourth route. That would prove to be the easiest.

Alyssa was excited about the shadow book, Who's There. She wanted to show her mom and dad the book as soon as we arrived in Kingsport. Dave and Peggy were at the lake house when we arrived. We chatted for a while and left on the new route Dave described in his letter. We arrived at the campground and got the camper ready to leave the next morning.