Wednesday, July 16, 2008-Doughton Park, NC

We drove to Doughton Park Campground. After we set up the camper and ate lunch, we drove to Wilkesboro to look for diesel and a cell phone signal. We found both together at a McDonald's restaurant and an adjacent gas station. We had an afternoon brunch of fries and drinks while we checked email and  make our phone calls. I called Dental One to make an appointment to have my abscessed tooth examined and Sue called Jeff for a haircut appointment prior to preplanning.

We called Julie in Kingsport Tennessee, and agreed to pick up Alyssa Friday afternoon. Thursday, we will drive to Julian Price Campground. After we pick up Alyssa Friday, we will return to the camper at Julian Price. We will spend Friday night, Saturday and Saturday night together with Alyssa. We will return Alyssa to Kingsport Sunday morning.

After supper at the camper, we noticed a number of campers walking to a campsite carrying musical instruments. During the evening, around eight to ten people joined the group. They played and sang songs together for most of the evening. There were about ten other neighboring campers that joined the group as spectators. We were so close that we stayed and listened from our camp site. These campers apparently meet together at the campground and have an informal hoot-nanny from time to time.