Monday, July 14, 2008-Roanoke, VA

Hallelujah! We have internet access. I have posted the last several journal entries on our web page. We have been writing them, but could not post them, since there is no cell phone access on most of the Blue Ridge Parkway.

We  left Peaks of Otter this morning and drove to the campground at Roanoke Mountain on the parkway. There is a weak cellular signal here and we can send email and work on the web site. The drive was about thirty-five miles and we took a leisurely ride. I decided to keep my speed lower than yesterday. The limit is forty-five miles per hour. I tried to keep to the posted limit, but with the hills, curves, and bikers it was a little stressful. From now on, I will keep it slower and pull of on the overlooks to let cars behind me pass. There are few straight passing opportunities on the parkway.

We arrived at Roanoke around 11:00 AM and had lunch. We drive into Roanoke for diesel and  some supplies. We saw a Chick-fil-a and decided to drive in later this evening for some salads to take back to the camper. We probably will drive on to Rocky Knob tomorrow, which is a fifty mile drive.