Sunday, July 6, 2008-Cape Point Campground, NC

We decided to leave Frisco CG around 11:00 this morning. We drove to Cape Point Campground near Hatteras Lighthouse. Before stopping at the campground, we used the dump station and refilled our water tank. There is potable water at the station. We drove on  to the campground, picked out a site, and registered at the ranger station.  We set up camp and while I did the outside chores, Sue started spaghetti in the slow cooker. Frisco CG was completely filled during the Fourth. When we arrived at Cape Point today, it was nearly empty. It isn't as picturesque as Frisco, but still a good campground. It is mostly flat and the beach is closed because of nesting animals. There is a section north of the campground that is open to the public.

During our stay at Frisco CG, we came to recognize most and know some of the rangers. In order to identify them in our conversations, we gave them names. We already mentioned Elizabeth. Another female ranger that seemed to have the same approach to her job, was called Elizabeth's Sister. The young ranger that played the guitar for us was Dave Mathews, his favorite band. The ranger that first signed us up and wanted to go the Banf in Canada, was Walter Matthau.  He looked so much like the actor when he was young.  Walter, if you are reading this, it's all  in good fun. As you know, it's just our sense of humor.

We kept the camper hooked up to the truck so we can have an easy start tomorrow morning. Last night it rained quite hard and more rain is predicted for tonight. If it rains again, we won't have as much to do before we leave. We are headed to Shenandoah National Park. We located a Costco northwest of Richmond and plan to stop there for some supplies, mostly water and food.