Saturday, July 5, 2008-Frisco Campground, NC

Since this may be our last full day here at Frisco CG, we decided to go the beach early this morning. We enjoy watching the sandpipers, sand crabs, gulls and kids playing on the beach. We saw one family with a doting granddad that was great with his grandson. The boy must have been just over one year old, since he was teetering on the sand while he walked. Lots of fun!

We returned to the camper for an early lunch and drove to the Hatteras-Ocracoke Ferry for a final boat ride. The ride to Ocracoke Island takes about forty minutes one way. When we got off the ferry, we did an about face and got back on the next ferry to Hatteras Island. The ferry crosses an open stretch of water between the two islands. The marinas at each end are not at the ends of the islands, but are located at a natural inlet some distance from the island points. The section of water between the islands has waves breaking over the shallow water, and a smooth surface at the deeper parts. That must have been a tricky maneuver for the early sailing ships. Later, the sailing ships would hire local sea captains to lead them through the shallows and into Pamlico Sound. While on the ferry ride, we saw people, perhaps twenty yards away from the boat walking in knee or ankle deep water. Others at another part were about five hundred yards from shore fishing in lawn chairs.

This evening, we returned to return to Dirty Dick's, avoiding the Italian restaurant in Hatteras Village. Sue had her last order of fried oysters. While we were eating, a charter fishing boat came into dock. It appeared they were a family, with three teen aged boys. They had SCUBA gear, including an underwater spear gun on the boat. As we ate, they unloaded and cleaned the boat.