Friday, July 4, 2008-Frisco Campground, NC

Happy Independence Day! Today we stayed at the campground and relaxed. The campground is completely filled. There was a "Full" sign at the ranger kiosk today. Last week, when we considered leaving, I checked campgrounds near Charlottesville and the Shenandoah Valley on the internet. The campgrounds I looked at were not taking reservations. We were glad we stayed here rather than take a chance on getting a space without a reservation. Sue read some more and I worked on a new wiki. Yesterday  I tried PBwiki and today I used Wet Paint. This is web based wiki that we used in my KSU class. It is a better product and I will continue to develop a school wiki that I might use next school year. I ran three miles today in the afternoon.

We decided to go the Dirty Dick's one last time for supper. When we got to the marina, Dirty Dick's was closed for the Fourth of July. We drove back towards the campground and found an Italian restaurant that was open. When we were finally seated, the tables around the dining room by the windows were filled. The center area tables were all available, but the waitress took us to a side table with two chairs. When I asked to move to a larger table, she said they saved those tables for the local diners. We decided to leave and look elsewhere, since they did not need the tourist trade.

As we drove further, we noticed most of the restaurants were closed. Those that were open had long waiting lines. We found a bar-b-cue  opposite the road to our campground and decided to eat there. They told us they had been swamped with customers this evening. The girl said that last year, it was not nearly as crowded. It seems more families are camping than flying this year. Most of the license plates are from North Carolina, Virginia, New Jersey, and states on the Eastern seaboard. Apparently more people are staying closer to home this year. Anyway, we ate there and returned to the camper for the night. s

Sue was hoping to see fireworks from our camper but it was behind the hill to our back.  She could hear them but not see them.