Thursday, July 3, 2008-Frisco Campground, NC

After we awoke this morning, we packed our bags, drove to Hatteras Village for breakfast, and then returned to the beach in Frisco. This beach is the one Sue wanted to try the other day, and we enjoy it more that the one near our campground. We stayed for several hours and got back to the camper by noon.

Sue read and finished her ninth book of the trip. I started a wiki that I hope Sue will consider using with the teacher she will be teaming with. Each could create and modify their lesson plans in the wiki from home and use one document for the plans. I want  to include the Georgia Performance Standards in the lesson plan. I at m hoping this will be a prototype that we could use at Hollydale this next school year. There are several teams in the building. They are out of available classrooms to  house all the students and need to have two teachers team together in one classroom.

The campground is filling up quickly. We now have neighbors below and to the right of us on the down slope to the road. These sites have not been used before, but sites are in demand for the Fourth of July. I'm glad we stayed and are settled in our campsite.