Monday, June, 30 2008-Frisco Campground, NC

After breakfast, we drove to the Hatteras  Visitors' Center and bought tickets to walk up to the lighthouse. We saw the lighthouse when we were here in 2002, but we decided to go again. There are 252 steps, as many as in an eight story building, to the top. From there, we could see the Atlantic Ocean. This is where the northern current, the Labrador Current meets the southern current, the Gulf Stream. They meet about ten miles from shore. The meeting of the two currents creates a turbulence that has caused many shipwrecks. This area is where the German U-boats sank many ships in World War II.

After that, we visited the museum and watched two videos. The first was about Loggerhead Turtles and the second was about Piping Plovers, a seabird. These two animal species are the center of the controversy about the beach closing. These nesting animals require a safe area to breed and the human population interferes with their survival.

We had lunch at the camper and relaxed. Sue napped and I ran. I finished four miles today. I am building my endurance and my breathing is getting stronger. I am  sore in all the right places.

Tonight we decided to go out for some pizza. There is a place a short distance north of here called the Gingerbread House Bakery. They also claim to have the best pizza on the island. How about that; a bakery and pizza parlor? Something like another restaurant we passed on the road called Bubba's Barbecue and Mexican Restaurant! They like to mix their cuisines here. Maybe we should just stick to Dirty Dick's Crabhouse!