Sunday, June 29, 2008-Frisco Campground, NC

After an early breakfast, we loaded the truck with our laundry and an empty propane tank and drove down the road to the Hatteras Woods Campground. We used their laundromat to do the laundry. The machines cost $1.75 each, but the washers were large and the dryers needed only one cycle to dry the clothes. After we started the laundry, I drove to the office and had the propane tank filled. The campers has two tanks that automatically switch to the full tank when one tank is empty. That way, one tank can be removed and filled while the full tank is being used. We returned to the campground around noon, stored the clothes and reattached the propane tank.

We spent the afternoon relaxing. Sue read and I went for my run. I am up to three miles now without feeling completely worn out. The course is moderately hilly and usually hot. Today it was a little cooler with a nice breeze.

When we renew our site, the ranger gives us a receipt that goes on the inside of the windshield. He writes the site number and the last day we have paid for. The last time we renewed our campsite, the ranger wrote the date of 6/31. We didn't notice until today. When we returned from doing laundry, we stopped and another ranger gave us a new receipt for 7/1.

We received an email from Stephanie Gill, a teacher I worked with on the second grade team at Sedalia Park. Bob Steele, the husband of Kathy Steele, another second grade teacher, suffered a stroke yesterday (Saturday). He is conscious and responsive today. The doctors will  keep him under observation and start rehab soon.  We will keep in touch with Bob's progress.