Friday, June 27, 2008-Frisco Campground, NC

Well, as usual, we changed our plans again. This morning, Sue suggested we visit a beach south of our campground in Hatteras Village. This beach was great. It was not crowded, no trucks, and only a short walk from the parking lot. There were restrooms and showers at the boardwalk to the beach. While we were at the beach, we watched several sand crabs along the beach. We enjoyed this beach much more that our local beach. We discussed staying longer rather that leaving Sunday for Shenandoah. Earlier, we decided that when we left Frisco Campground, we would spend a night or two in Kitty Hawk to see the Wright Brothers' Monument and Museum and do our laundry. After we left the beach, we stopped at Frisco Woods Campground, which is very close to our campground. We asked if we could use their laundromat and they told us that we were welcome . They have three washers and four dryers. We decided we could do our laundry over several days next week, since there could be some wait time. This would be better that going to Kitty Hawk to do the laundry.

Sue was agreeable with extending our time here in Frisco, but she said she needed a "civilization" day.  Actually, there is a new book she wants to buy. We decided to drive up to Kitty Hawk Saturday, stop at a civilized Wal-Mart for shopping, have lunch out, and spend the afternoon at the Wright Brothers' Monument. Since we solved the laundry and civilization problem, we will spend the Fourth of July weekend here in Frisco. We made reservations for Big Meadows Campground in Shenandoah National Park for July 7, 8, 9, and 10.

When we left the campground this morning to go to the beach, we drove by the ranger kiosk. The young ranger on duty was playing a guitar. When we stopped he came out. I asked him to play something for us. I suggested John Denver, but I don't think the ranger knew who that that was. I then suggested Eric Clapton and he played a few chords of something, but he didn't know the song well. Another car came up behind us and we had to leave. When we returned from the beach, we asked him what his major was. He told us he is attending the local university and is studying anthropology.

Family Note:
Bronze God, beware! The Golden One is getting stronger. You will have to defend your tan soon and your day of reckoning is close at hand. The Leg-Hair Pulling Girl will be the final judge. Besides, she  likes me better.