Wednesday, June 25, 2008-Frisco Campground, NC

Today was pretty much like yesterday. We walked around the campground, went down to the beach for about two hours and returned to the camper for lunch. I ran two miles, cooled down and walked to the bath house for a shower. I washed out two pair of shorts and a running shirt while I was in the shower. Sue made a Power Point for school. Because of the new Georgia standards, they will study how the national park system was started by Theodore Roosevelt. She took our digital pictures of past visits and placed them in the Power Point.

This evening we made our last visit to Dirty Dick's Crabhouse. The food is great, well prepared and hot and tasty. The restaurant is on the dock of a marina and we watch the auto ferries and fishing boats while we eat. The charter fishing boat nearest us must have at least fifty fishing rods mounted in cylindrical holders mounted to a side rail. This rail extends the length of the boat on both sides. In addition, there is a fishing platform with a ship's ladder that has about eight steps. The platform must hold about ten to twelve more fishing rods. The waitress told us they brought in a very large haul of fish today and everyone in the restaurant watched them unload.

Tomorrow we may return to Dirty Dick's and the marina and take some pictures for the web site. After that, we will return the the Hatteras Light house and take some more pictures. We will skip the beach tomorrow and get out of the campground for a while. We are pretty sure we  will  leave Saturday morning for Kitty Hawk and then on to the Blue Ridge.