Tuesday, June 24, 2008-Frisco Campground, NC

After breakfast, we did our morning walk around the campground. Then we drove to the ranger kiosk and signed up for four more nights. Actually, I wanted two more, but the ranger didn't realize that I had a Golden Age pass, which reduces the campground fee by one half. Since we were planning to stay until at least Friday, I told her to give us four days instead of two, which would cost the same. Earlier, we decided to leave either Saturday or Sunday morning. If we leave Saturday, we will stop at Kitty Hawk NC, see the Wright Brothers Museum, and stay at a campground in the area. Either way, we will drive to Shenandoah National Park on Sunday. There are no reserved sites available at any of the campgrounds there, so Sunday afternoon would be a good time to find a non reservable campsite.

From the ranger kiosk, we drove to the trail that leads to the beach. The trail is a boardwalk over the sand dunes that ends at the tall berm near the shore. The berm is a large sand dune that act as a water barrier during a storm. We stayed at the beach slightly less that two hours. Our skin is not as tender as when we first arrived and we can stay in the sun longer without burning. When we returned to the camper, we ate lunch.  After a short rest, I ran around the campground road and covered about two and one half miles. We showered and relaxed during the late afternoon and evening. I started an Excel spreadsheet about grade level Georgia Performance Standards for my use next year and Sue read her book. Later, she finished The Friday Night Knitting Club. We had salmon on the grill with corn on the cob and pickled beets.