Monday, June 23, 2008-Frisco Campground, NC

Today was a stay at home, listen to Ray Charles, Simon and Garfunkel and Willy Nelson (Sue's choice) and enjoy the rain day. It was cloudy, rainy, and windy all day. The rain finally let up in the late afternoon. After the rain stopped, we went shopping for some sausage to put in the red beans and rice. We started that in the slow cooker around noon. It smells really good when we are inside.

I spent the morning reading research papers about technology integration and Sue worked on the book of the month collection she is making. It was a quiet, relaxing morning and afternoon. This morning a young deer ran through the campsite. That isn't so unusual, but this one had small stubs that would become antlers. Usually, we don't see males. Deer are all over the trails at Kennesaw Mountain and at McKinney campground. We usually see them in the early morning. We should have a rainy night tonight with a fifty percent chance of precipitation. We should have sunny weather until next Sunday. We haven't decided when we will  leave for the Blue Ridge yet.

Bob and Sue