Sunday, June 22 2008-Frisco Campground, NC

This morning, we worked on our school calendar. We use the Google calendar and we share the calendar that contains our school events. Cobb County Schools has a yearly calendar on their web site and we entered the dates for 2008-09. After we finished that, we planned our camping weekends at McKinney Campground. McKinney is a Corps of Engineer managed campground on Allatoona Lake. It only takes about an hour to drive to McKinney and set up the camper. It is one of the finest campgrounds we have seen and is usually full during the camping months. We made reservations through the end of the year. We have a full week for Thanksgiving this year. We reserved the week and will have Thanksgiving with the family and still camp at McKinney.

After lunch, we decided to return to the Hatteras - Ocracoke ferry. Sue wanted to take some video of the ferry. When she tried to explain an automobile ferry to her first graders last year, they did not understand. She thought some video would help them. The ferry is only about eight miles from our campground. We rode across, took video, and got back in  line to return to Hatteras Island.

On our earlier trip to Ocracoke Island, we walked around a small shopping center at the ferry depot on the Hatteras side. I noticed a restaurant called Dirty Dick's. Being on the dock of a small inlet, they served seafood, and naturally they served fried oysters. Sue noticed the name of the restaurant and it reminded her of her brother Dicky Miller. (Dick, Sue made me write that.) We decided to go back to the ferry depot and try Dirty Dick's. This is the place to go. Great view, excellent food and it wasn't really too dirty (actually is was really clean). Somehow, I don't think this was our last visit to Dirty Dick's.

I am writing this Monday morning and there is a rain squall line moving through. We can look out over the ocean and watch the clouds and rainfall. There are no weather alerts, so it looks like a quiet rain.