Monday, June 16, 2008-Frisco Campground, NC

I decided to build new pages on our family website for this year's vacation. If you wish to view the website for our journal notes, the site is From the main page, select East USA 2008 from the left hand menu and you will be taken to this year's journal.  For the 2008 vacation journal, there is a left side menu with each week in June and July. Select the week and each day of that week will expand. The right side displays a calendar that can be used to navigate to any day in June or July.  If you select a day on the calendar, or from the left side menu, the journal notes will appear for that day. To return to the calendar, select calendar from the left side menu.

We will add to the journal as the days pass, and the calendar locations will be updated. There are no pictures available to display above (in the web page) due to the slow internet connections. We may have to wait until we return home to upload the photographs. We will update the journal notes each day here in the journal and I will copy and paste these notes to email.

After I worked on the web site, I followed the men's golf U.S. Open tournament on the web. Tiger Woods tied the eighteen hole playoff on the last hole and won in sudden death on the nineteenth hole. Sue read and napped. The campground emptied out last night. The weekend campers headed home.  Today is cool and very windy, just like I remember it the last time we here here. Previously, the temperatures and humidity were high. It seemed like the temperatures stayed around the mid eighties.