Thursday, June 12, 2008-Frisco Campground, NC

This morning we drove to Pea Island north of Frisco campground. It is a national wildlife refuge. We saw the visitor center and walked on the Charles Kuralt Trail. This trail surrounds a fresh and salt water marsh that is a protected area for migratory birds. After that we stopped at several shops and bought some supplies. I needed a funnel for fueling the generator. I also bought the typical tourist tee shirts with the Outer Banks on them. I have always wanted a shirt with the OBX logo, but they are copyright protected and are not put on tee shirts. I will keep looking. Sue bought a beach umbrella and some beach towels.
We came back to the camper and relaxed. I tried to upload pictures to Flicker, but my Internet connection is too slow. We are lucky to be able to connect here and send email. I will upload later when we are in a place with a stronger signal.
We renewed our site through next Sunday. We may stay here or go on to the campground near the Hatteras lighthouse. When we first looked at it, there were no campers and the showers were locked. This morning I asked the ranger and she said it has been closed due to flooding. It is now partially open. The open areas are to the far end and the showers are open there. However, the trails to the beach are permanently closed. The camping area is flat with a nice breeze and no neighbors.
The temperatures finally broke and did not reach over 90 degrees. Nighttime temps were in the high 60's. Great sleeping weather. Just a little humid. Tonight we will have salmon and corn on the cob from the grill.