Tuesday, June 10, 2008-Cape Hatteras, NC

Today we decided to stay another night at the KOA in Hatteras. We drove to two national park campgrounds to decide were we wanted to set up home. We liked the campground at Frisco better. There are high bluffs in the back of the campground that overlook the Atlantic and have incredible breezes. We have to get lucky tomorrow and find an empty site. Otherwise, we will set up at a lower site and try to move up when someone moves. The campground at Hatteras Lighthouse was great, but was unoccupied. The showers were  locked and the trails to the seashore were closed. Tomorrow we  will move up the road about 20 miles and set up.
There is no cellular coverage in Frisco campground and we will be without cell phone coverage. We will go to town and check each day. If you call, please leave a message.
Down at the beach today, there were two boys in their teens surf fishing. They were following a school of small fish that were breaking water just off shore. They tried their best to catch a fish, but sometimes were knocked down by the surf. I remembered how I used to want to catch a fish and tried to point to where the school was swimming. They didn't catch anything but kept trying and qualify as true fishermen.
Early this morning, about 6:00, when the sun came up, I walked to the beach and saw what looked like a school of dolphins. Offshore, the waves break over a shallow bottom and the school was swimming parallel to the shore beyond the breakers surfacing feeding. Frequently, I saw fins above the water followed by part of their body. They were not jumping, just surfacing to breathe. Hard to tell, but there must have been about six or seven of them. At first I thought they were sharks. Just wishful thinking.
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