Friday, July 28, 2006 – Abilene, Texas

We awoke early and got on the road by 7:00.  Our morning ride was quite pleasant. We drove out of Carlsbad on Highway 285, a two-lane highway with hardly any traffic at all.  It connected with Interstate 20.  When we got on the interstate, Bob said that we were going to be on this interstate until we got to Atlanta.  We drove all day.  In the afternoon, when we got close to Abilene, Texas, Bob saw a small piece of a tire on the interstate.  Since we were pulling the trailer, he could not make any sudden moves.  Unfortunately, he had to drive over the piece of tire.  After he drove over the piece of tire, we noticed that the trailer seemed unsteady.  When we stopped at the KOA campground, we noticed that the electrical cord that controlled the turn signals, brake lights, head lights and the electric trailer brake had been hit by the tire piece, knocked out of the receptacle and had been dragged on the ground. As a result, the end of the cord that connected to the car was ruined and part of the wire was scraped and damaged. After we set up camp, we drove to Jerry’s RV shop and purchased a new cord and connector. Bob cut off the damaged part of cable from the camper and spliced in the new cable to the trailer. We were back in business.