Wednesday, July 26, 2006 – Carlsbad, New Mexico

Today we awoke early again and were on the road by 7:45.    We drove to Guadalupe Mountains National Park and stopped at the Visitor’s Center to look at the exhibits.  Bob bought a pin and Susan bought a CD.  Bob is collecting pins from each national park that we visit and wants to make a display of his pins someday.  Susan is collecting music CDs from the national park and enjoys listening to them.  She plays them at school a lot because they are calm and soothing and helps to relax her students and her.   Guadalupe Mountains does not have many roads into the park.  The park is used mostly for hiking.  Since we wanted to get to Carlsbad Caverns, we did not stay long at the park.

We drove for about an hour when we stopped at Carlsbad Caverns National Park.  We stopped to buy tour tickets to see the cave tomorrow.  We decided to go on a guided tour at 10:00, eat lunch, and go on a self-guided tour in the afternoon.  We walked through the book store and gift shop and returned to the car. 

We continued to the city of Carlsbad and decided to stay at Carlsbad RV Park.  While driving on the outskirts of town, we realized that the gas gauge was on empty and the warning light was on. We turned off the air conditioner, used overdrive and coasted as much as possible. Just as we came into town, we saw a gas station, and filled up the tank.

The RV park is not a pretty park.  It has some shade but we are several feet away from a huge motor home parked next to us.  After getting settled, we drove to Wal-Mart where we shopped.  Whenever we see Wal-Mart, we know that we have made it to civilization again. 

We decided to go out for dinner tonight but there was not much choice.  We asked the girl at the desk at the campground.  She suggested that we try Roja’s Mexican Diner.  It was fairly crowded, but neither of us would want to eat there again.