Tuesday, July 25, 2006 – Las Cruces, New Mexico

We awoke early at 5:45, ate breakfast, showered, packed up, and left the campground in Grants, New Mexico by 6:45.  After stopping for gas, we were on the road by 7:00.  We wanted to get an early start because of the Santa Ana winds around Albuquerque, New Mexico.  Thirty years ago, we were driving between Albuquerque and Gallup, New Mexico with a travel trailer when a gust of wind blew across the road causing the trailer to lose control.  When Bob got the car and trailer to stop, the trailer tipped over on its side.  Since it was an old trailer, it was totaled.  Naturally, we were nervous driving between Albuquerque and Gallup with a trailer again.  Fortunately, this time we did not have a repeat situation.  On the road, Jenny called on her cell phone on her way home from work.  She got off early and was excited about getting home early.  We drove to Las Cruces, New Mexico where we stopped at a KOA campground.  We stayed at this campground on our way to the Grand Canyon.  We liked the campground so much because of the view overlooking the city that we decided to stay here again.  The view did not disappoint us.  After dinner, we walked a short distance to a gazebo that overlooked the city.  We sat and talked until it started to get dark.