Wednesday, July 19, 2006 – Moab, Utah

When we got up, we decided to go out for breakfast at Jailhouse Café.  The small building was a former courthouse with a jail.  We did not go into the building because we decided to sit out on the patio.  In the brochure, the ad said that they only serve breakfast because that’s what they do best.  We did not think that their best was very good.  The sausage and potatoes were very dry.  We did enjoy sitting outside on the patio because it was a cool, sunny morning. 

We went back to the camper to do the laundry.  When we checked out the Laundromat at the campground, we found that they did not have many washers.  We decided to go find a Laundromat in the city.   When we finished the laundry, we shopped at the grocery store, which was in the same shopping center.  When we returned to the camper, we put away the laundry and the groceries and had lunch.

After lunch, we went for a drive along the Colorado River.  It was the same road that Bob took yesterday for his raft ride.  He did not take his camera on the raft ride because he didn’t want to get it wet.  Today we retraced his steps and took pictures.  It is a beautiful ride.  On both sides of the river are tall red cliffs carved out by the Colorado River which parallels the road. 

In the morning, we will be leaving for Mesa Verde in southern Colorado.  The campground in Moab is surrounded by tall, red cliffs but is too crowded for our tastes.  We are ready to leave Moab since we have been here for a week.  We think that we have seen everything in the area that we wanted to see.  Susan is getting ready to get home.  She is thinking about the start of school and is anxious to get home to get ready for school to start.