Wednesday, July 5, 2006 - Bryce Canyon, Utah

Today we were going to take the shuttle but we discovered that the shuttle only works from Ruby’s Inn to the end of Bryce Amphitheater at Bryce Point.  We decided to drive to the end of the scenic drive at Rainbow Point and stop at the scenic overviews on the way back.  We stopped at Rainbow Point, Black Birch Canyon, Natural Bridge, Swamp Canyon, and Bryce Point.  While at Bryce Point, Susan noticed a very strong signal on her cell phone and decided to call Jenny who was at work.  We talked for a short time until Jenny had to get back to work.  She said that she was sitting in for the supervisor and the phone was ringing.   Susan asked Bob to drive through the campground at Sunset.  We had camped out in Bryce Canyon when we visited about thirty years ago when Jenny and Robby were little.  Susan remembered how pretty it was to look out the window of the camper.  She wanted to see if she could find where we camped.  We agreed that it must have been at this campground.  On the way back to the camper, we stopped at the Visitor’s Center to see the twenty-minute video about Bryce Canyon.  There was closed captioning under the screen but this time there was sound.  Susan also bought another music CD.  When we returned to the camper, Susan started reading A Wedding in December by Anita Shreve while Bob worked on the computer.  After a while, Bob suggested that we go out for dinner.  We walked to Ruby’s Inn where we checked out the restaurant and the diner.  Neither one appealed to us so we drove to Bryce Canyon Lodge where we had a very nice dinner.  After dinner, we drove to Bryce Point so that Susan could call her mother before returning to the camper.  We have a weak signal on the cell phone at the camper.