Monday, July 3, 2006 - Cedar City, Utah

When we woke up, we had a quick breakfast and started to break camp.  We left Cedar City at 8:00 and arrived at Ruby’s Inn Campground about 10:00.  It was a very pretty ride from Cedar City to Bryce Canyon.  After we set up camp at Ruby’s Inn Campground, we decided to go check out Bryce Canyon.  We stopped at the Visitor’s Center where we looked at the exhibits in the museum and checked out the gift shop.  Susan bought post cards to send to the family.  We drove to Sunrise Point to look at the view.  We were both tired so we decided to go back to the camper to rest.  Susan read a few chapters of Teaching for Comprehension in Reading and then started reading Sea Glass by Anita Shreve.  Bob worked on the computer and read some chapters in Discipline Without Stress, Punishments, or Rewards, a book assigned to be read during the summer.