Friday, June 9, 2006 - Las Cruces, New Mexico

We left Abilene at 8:30 eastern time and drove to Las Cruces, New Mexico. We drove through El Paso, since we knew there was a KOA campground in Las Cruces. By the way, KOA stands for C(K)ampgrounds Of America. Our site overlooks the city and has a beautiful view of not only the city, but the mountains beyond. We noticed a drastic change from the hill country of Texas to the southwest desert country. We are really there! Our driving days have been more difficult because Bob keeps the speed to 55-60 mph. A 400 mile day takes at least eight hours. Today, when we went to the camper for lunch, we found open wine cooler bottles open on the floor. Apparently we did not close the refrigerator door securely and they fell out during the drive. The floor was sticky and we cleaned it up after we arrived at the KOA.

We have reservations for Taliesin West. Bob called yesterday and confirmed the time and date for the tour on Monday. We may drive to Scottsdale tomorrow and have a rest day Sunday.

Bob has started a new personal web site for Sedalia Park.  Sue has been reading most of the day and we finished listening to The Da Vinci Code audio book. We will start the Earth Children series tomorrow. The first book is The Clan Of The Cave Bear, one we have heard several times before.

P.S. Since writing and posting the above journal notes, there have been light showers. The sky has blue patches and rain clouds. We can see the rainfall over the valley below. The horizon is enormous, since there are no trees. The view is panoramic and we can see from horizon to horizon.  We can see lightening to the north, rain to the east, an orange sunset to the west, and blue sky to the south, all at the same time. So far, the trip is all we hoped for.

P.P.Ps. There is a MAJOR lightening and thunder storm passing through with high winds. I'm glad we left the trailer hitched to the car. The trailer is rocking and lots of rain in the valley. No rain here, just very windy.