Wednesday, June 7, 2006 - Shreveport Louisiana

We slept later this morning and left the campground at 8:30 AM. We drove through Alabama and Mississippi into Louisiana. We arrived at Shreveport around 6:30 eastern time.

During the day, I received a call from Jeff Warrensford, the PE coach at Sedalia Park. Jeff was planning to join me at the Grand Canyon and take the six night hike I am taking. He was in an auto accident and his car was damaged. He was not injured, but his car will not be repaired in time to drive to the Grand Canyon. He will not be able accompany me on the hike.

We found a KOA campground and decided to stop here. During our ride through Shreveport, the interstate was very bumpy. When we opened the camper, the hanging rod in the closet had bent because of the weight of the clothes bumping up and down with the road bumps. We rearranged the closet and repacked under the bed and seat in the dining area.

Tomorrow (Thursday) we plan to stop somewhere between Abilene and Odessa Texas. Friday we will go through El Paso (thanks Marty Robins) and on to Arizona.