Saturday, June 30, 2001-Cape Cod, Massachusetts

We got up and had breakfast at the B & B.  We started driving into Boston.  We stopped at a rest area for information and found out that we could get a train into Boston at Kingston.  We arrived at the train station but the next train was 11:40 (over two hours from that time).  We decided to drive into another train station.  We drove to Braintree train station.  We rode the subway (the red line) to the south station.  At the south station, we bought tickets for a trolley tour of the  city.  We walked to the place where the man told us to go.  We waited and waited in the hot sunshine.  Finally the trolley came.  We rode a short while and got off to have lunch.  We decided to eat at the Marriot.  It was so cool and comfortable in there.  We got back on the trolley and rode the full loop.  The guide was a young special education teacher named John.  He liked to joke around with people.

We also went on a harbor cruise.  When we were getting off the harbor cruise, Billy called Sue on the cell phone.  She told him that she prefer that the three of us do this together.  If that is not possible , then Mom's house could be put in Sue's name with the understanding that we share in all expenses.  At the end of the trolley ride, the sky became very dark.  We were going to an Italian restaurant but decided to go to the south station and try to get home before it rained. 

We drove back to Cape Cod.  We had dinner at Christopher's Ribs and Seafood.  We had ribs which were not very good.