Tuesday, June 26, 2001-Cape Cod, Massachusetts

Bob woke up at 5:00 because the sun started shining in the room.  He got up at 5:30, got coffee and a newspaper and read the newspaper on the beach.  Sue got up at 6:00 and we were ready for the day at 6:30.  Since the B & B does not serve breakfast until 8:30, we decided to eat somewhere else.  We stopped at the Egg and I.  Bob told the waitress that we were thinking about the song, "Old Cape Cod" but couldn't remember the tune.  He asked is she could sing the song for us.  She laughed and sang several lines of the song.  She had a nice voice.  We ate bagels and shared "Irish bangers" which was sausage.

We decided to drive to Provincetown and see it.  We drove around for a while before we found the main street.  Then we drove to find a parking lot.  After we parked, we walked to the main street.  After walking for a while, we decided to see about making reservations for the "Whale Watch."  While talking to the woman about reservations, we decided to go on the 10:30 departure.

When we got on board, it was very hot.  When we started on the water, it got really cold.  We rode out for a while before any sightings were made.  the first sighting was a Minke whale.  Then we saw a Bola Bola, which is also called a sun fish because it swims close to the surface because it likes the sun.  When we went out further, we saw a mother humpback whale and its calf.  The calf was still nursing from its mother.  When the mother wanted to dive into the water to feed at a lower level, its tail came out of the water.  The baby calf  rolled over in the water.  After watching for a while, the captain decided to return to shore.  We both bought shirts and a video.  When  Bob asked the photographer for the video if we would be on the video, he said yes and took our pictures.  When we docked, we walked around for a while and then returned to the car.

If you would like to see about the whale watch, look at A Cape Cod Dolphin Fleet Whale Watch.

On the way back from Provincetown, we stopped at Whitman's Amish Quilts in North Truro.  Sue was hoping to find a new quilt for our bed.  The quilts were beautiful but expensive.  Most of them were over $1000.00.  Two white quilts were $2500.00.  Needless to say, we didn't buy any quilts.

When we returned to the B & B, Sue read a book and Bob finished his crossword puzzle.  After a while, we decided to go to dinner.  We drove looking for a place to eat.  We stopped at Luscious Louie's because Bob liked the name.  When we looked at the menu, nothing looked luscious so we left.  We drove to the Ebb Tide Restaurant which is down the street from the B & B.  We both had a delicious meal.  Sue had Ebb Tide crab cakes while Bob had saut�ed lobster and shrimp.

When we returned to the B & B, Sue wrote in the journal and Bob read a book.